Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Super Hero

Could you imagine what it would be like to live life as it was a DVD? If I could have any super human power I would have the ability to control time. With this new power I would be able to freeze, fast forward and rewind my life around me. This power would be very useful on many levels. For instant I could travel forward in time, purchase a sports almanac, travel back in time and kn0w all the right sporting events to bet on. Also I could freeze time and walk into any museum or bank and steel any valuable artifact that I would want to have and or sell. With this amazing power I would become very rich and powerful. But the only draw back of this power is that I would age faster than everyone else because when everyone’s time would be frozen I would still be aging. All in all having this super power would be a great advantage to anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Way to copy "Back to the Future" and "Click". Well written, and some good ideas.
