Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a movie only mice would like.

Watching Of Mice and Men is like watching your grandmother take a bath. This could be the worst movie that I have ever had to endure. First off the movie is Gary Sinise recreation of the short novel about two friends who work on a ranch in order to save up enough money to buy their own house, and the troubling events that unfold while they work. Other than quoting exact works and lines out of the book the similarities run dry. For a short story of only 6 chapters you would think that they would be able to fit almost everything into the movie, but this is a lie. They change the symbolic characteristics of many characters and cut out very important events. The worst mistake that they could have made was Lennie (John Malkovich). In the movie they portray Lennie to be severely handicapped, when in the novel he is just dumb witted and has a bad memory. This movie lacks the creativity and imagination that would be vital to make any movie great. This movie was made on a low budget and the quality of acting reflects that. The ending of the movie is the most important chapter in the novel, but the movie decided to cut it short. The heartfelt life and death decision that George (Gary Sinise) had to make was too fast and was made without any empathy and remorse.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

George - Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a short novel about two men George Milton and Lennie Small who go out to work in order to save up enough money to afford to own their own sanctuary, a small house on some land. The Story is set on a ranch in southern California during the dirty thirties. George plays a huge roll as he and his slow friend Lennie travel and work. George is always looking out for his friend, even though he could sound harsh at times. “Tell you what I’ll do, Lennie. First chance I get I’ll give you a pup. Maybe you wouldn’t kill it.” George is constantly looking out for Lennie, but he also lets him fend for himself. For instance when Slim tries to stop Curley from beating up Lennie, George stops him “Wait a minute… Get him Lennie!”

Super Hero

Could you imagine what it would be like to live life as it was a DVD? If I could have any super human power I would have the ability to control time. With this new power I would be able to freeze, fast forward and rewind my life around me. This power would be very useful on many levels. For instant I could travel forward in time, purchase a sports almanac, travel back in time and kn0w all the right sporting events to bet on. Also I could freeze time and walk into any museum or bank and steel any valuable artifact that I would want to have and or sell. With this amazing power I would become very rich and powerful. But the only draw back of this power is that I would age faster than everyone else because when everyone’s time would be frozen I would still be aging. All in all having this super power would be a great advantage to anyone.