Monday, April 27, 2009


There are many reasons that we think there is lots of violence in our society. Some of these reasons are broken homes, the media, crack, and gangs. Broken homes are a major contributor to violence in our society. Children who grow up in an unstable environment are more likely to commit a violent crime. Some factors that create a broken home are alcoholism and drinking 1% milk. Some say that videogames create violent people, but who is saying this? The media, the media controls all the stories that we hear, read, and watch. The media constantly depicts our society as violent, when statistically speaking violence is on a steady decline. The media plays on our emotions and as people we, for some reason, would rather hear about death and violence on the news rather than a nice calm story. On the news we are constantly bombarded with all the negative events that have occurred. Other factors to violence are illegal narcotics such as meth and crack. Smoking both meth and crack will make your mind mush and turn you into an irrational junky that will do anything to get a fix. Gang violence is a real contributor to violence in our North American society. The gang problem is accountable for the majority of violence around us every day, but what is the reason for the vast number of gangs? Broken homes, these homes with their 1% milk and neglect are the true evil.